Sometimes things happen that are beyond your control, and you have to make the best of the situation. Patrick Regg, a patient at Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford, found himself in such a situation. He was in the hospital, and he was not going to be home to celebrate his son’s first birthday.

During his weeklong stay at Rutherford, Patrick got to know his nurse Stephanie Nicholson well during their daily check-ins. Patrick mentioned to Stephanie that his son, Wyatt, who was born at Rutherford on July 15, 2020, was about to celebrate his first birthday. He was sad he wouldn’t be home to participate in the birthday festivities. When Stephanie heard this news, she knew she needed to do something.

With the help of her supervisors, Stephanie was able to make special arrangements for a clinically supervised birthday party on Patrick’s floor for his family to celebrate Wyatt’s first birthday together!