Under Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for July 14 – 20

Beasie Rd Extension (River Rock Blvd just north of Racquet Club Dr) Expected Lane Closures: Monday Through Friday: Riverrock Blvd will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation intermittently at Beasie Rd for roadway widening work. Road and bridge construction work over Stones River Greenway continues. The greenway trail will be closed around the existing Beasie…

MTSU NSF Data Science teaching grant

MTSU Lands $3M NSF Grant to Develop Area Teachers Into Expert Data Science Instructors

A cohort of Middle Tennessee State University faculty recently landed a $3 million National Science Foundation grant to develop local middle school teachers in the subject areas of science, technology, engineering and math, also known as STEM, into data science instruction experts and leaders who will go on to develop educators in their communities. Gregory…

Inmates Graduate from Rutherford County Recovery Court’s Re-Entry Program

Inmates Graduate from Rutherford County Recovery Court’s Re-Entry Program

“It’s Ok to be sober.” “I’ve learned there’s hope.” “It’s crazy living in your own prison.” “It’s Ok to set boundaries and stick to those boundaries.” These were some of the impactful comments by Rutherford County Adult Detention Center inmates graduating Monday from a Re-Entry class taught by Rutherford County Recovery Court employees. Re-Entry case…

Rutherford County Sheriff

Operation Southern Slow Down 5-Dtate Driving Enforcement

One person died in a traffic crash where speeding was the contributing factor this year with five people dying from traffic crashes involving speeding last year in Rutherford County, said Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh. Speeding contributed to 282 crashes this year in the county. Speeding was the main factor in 667 crashes last year in the…

MTSU Animation Students Win Best Animation Comedy at International Media Arts Festival

MTSU Animation Students Win Best Animation Comedy at International Media Arts Festival

Six animation students from Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Media and Entertainment won the award for “Best Animation Comedy” at the International Student Media Arts Festival in Seoul, South Korea. Dani Oliver, Ashten Royse, Olivia Armstrong, Star Akhom, Allen Marin and Emily Mishoe worked on the animation film “Bubbles” over the spring semester with…