Predators check to Child Advocacy Center

The Child Advocacy Center of Rutherford County, Inc. is proud to be selected as a recipient of a 2018 Nashville Predators Foundation grant. The Foundation set a new record by distributing 149 grants with the Child Advocacy Center being one of several Rutherford County organizations to receive funding.

In the midst of the Stanley Cup playoffs, the Nashville Predators Foundation presented the check to Child Advocacy Center staff Kristina Troglen and Jessica Wauchek.

“We are grateful to the Nashville Predators for their continued support,” said Sharon De Boer, Executive Director of the Child Advocacy Center.

The Child Advocacy Center works as a multidisciplinary team with law enforcement, the District Attorney’s office, Department of Children’s Services, and mental health counselors to investigate and prosecute child abuse cases and help children and non-offending family members heal from the trauma of the abuse.

The money awarded will support the Child Advocacy Center’s continued mission to provide crisis intervention services free of charge to child abuse victims, child sexual abuse victims, drug endangered children, and their non-offending family members.

The Nashville Predators Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) charity organization devoted to funneling the excitement of professional sports towards the needs of the community. Since its establishment, the Nashville Predators Foundation has made a significant impact on the Middle Tennessee community. This year the Foundation awarded $607,639.32 to 149 organizations.