The Child Advocacy Center invites the community to join them in paying tribute to child abuse victims and survivors this Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 12:45 p.m. The event will be held at the Center, located at 1040 Samsonite Blvd.
This is a time to remember the child abuse victims currently struggling to overcome the challenges faced as a victim and honor the survivors of child physical and child sexual abuse. The event is a part of the Women’s World Summit Foundation International 19 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Violence toward Children and Youth.
Members of the Child Protective Investigation Team will speak about the current partnerships in place that make Rutherford County a safe community for children. Speakers include: District Attorney General Jennings Jones, Murfreesboro Police Department Sgt. Paul Mongold, Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office Detective Andrea Knox, Domestic Violence Program Court Advocate Sarahi Green, and Child Advocacy Center Community Education Coordinator Brittnie Noble.
Following the speakers, a moment of silence will be held while the symbol of child welfare, a flag honoring victims, will be raised and flown for the remainder of the day.
For more information about this event or child sexual abuse prevention training, contact Brittnie Noble, Child Advocacy Center Community Education Coordinator, at 615-867-9000 or [email protected]. Watch for more information this month from organizations in our community who provide critically needed services for child abuse victims as 19 Days of Activism concludes on November 19.
For more information on the 19 Days of Activism visit the Women’s World Summit Foundation website at