Middle Tennessee Widening Project (Greenland Dr to E. Main St) (Est Substantial Completion November 2018)
Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Traffic on Middle Tennessee Blvd is reduced to two-lanes two-way between Bell St and Greenland Dr. E Lytle St is closed at Middle Tennessee Blvd. The section of E Lytle St between N Bilbro Ave and Middle Tennessee Blvd is only open to local traffic. Median construction and traffic signal work continues between Bell St and Greenland Dr. Faulkinberry Dr is still completely closed at Middle Tennessee Blvd. Northbound traffic on Middle Tennessee Blvd between Bell St and Greenland Dr will be shifted to the west side. Construction work continues the east side of Middle Tennessee Blvd. Appropriate traffic control will be in place.
W Lytle Street Roadway Improvement Project (Baker St to Church St) (Est Substantial Completion November 2018)
Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: W Lytle St is open to traffic. Construction work continues. Incidental paving and temporary striping will be installed on W Lytle St. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.
Turn Lane Improvements (Medical Center Pkwy at Warren St/New Fire Station)
Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm: Contractor will be adding a right turn lane on Medical Center Pkwy at the new fire station/Warren St. Eastbound traffic on Medical Center Pkwy will be reduced from two lanes to one lane. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place. Westbound traffic will not be affected.
Aerial Utility Construction Work
1) Old Fort Pkwy at Market Place
2) Along King Hwy and W Main St
3) W Main St and NW Broad St
4) Along W Burton St, N Walnut St and W College St
5) W Burton St and Ridgley Rd
6) E College St and Academy St
Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, Weather Permitting, Private utility company crews will be installing aerial fiber optic lines. There will be road closures and traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.
Private Development Maintenance Work (N Spring St at E College St)
Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, Private Development Maintenance crews will be pressure washing the buildings at the corner of N Spring St and E College St. There will be lane closures and traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.
Private Development Construction Work (Wilkinson Pike between Thompson Ln and Van Cleave Ln)
Expected Lane Closures: Saturday, November 17, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, Private Development Construction crews will be working along Wilkinson Pike between Thompson Ln and Van Cleave Ln. There will be lane closures and traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.
Annual City Street Paving Projects
Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM: City paving contractor will be adjusting manholes, pull boxes paving and striping on the following streets:
1. Medical Center Pkwy between Thompson Ln and I-24 (Night time work between 7:00 pm and 5:00 am)
2. John Rice Blvd at Old Fort Pkwy
3. Eagle St between Atlas St and Baird Ln
4. Black Bear Trail
Expect lane shifts and traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.
TDOT Resurfacing Projects
RUTHERFORD COUNTY, The resurfacing on SR 96 from Middle TN Blvd. (L.M. 12.72) to SR 268 (L.M. 16.73)
• Daily, 9AM-3PM, There will be alternating lane closures on SR 96 for concrete work and pavement markings.
RUTHERFORD COUNTY, SR 99 resurfacing from E. of Clearidge Drive (LM 12.45) to W. of Veterans Pkwy (LM 13.88)
• Daily, 8AM-2:30PM, There will be temporary lane closures for various construction activities. One lane will remain open at all times.
RUTHERFORD COUNTY, The resurfacing on SR10 from SR 268 to the Wilson County Line
• Daily, 9AM-3PM, There will be alternating lane closures on SR 10 for paving operations.
RUTHERFORD COUNTY, SR 99 resurfacing from S. Rutherford Blvd (LM 21.61) to W. of Wilson-Overall road (LM 24.52)
• Daily, 8AM-3PM (excluding weekends), There will be temporary lane closures for various construction activities. One lane will remain open at all times.