A Public Hearing on CDBG funding is scheduled for April 12, 2018, from 6-7 p.m. at Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Boulevard.

The City of Murfreesboro expects to receive a Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018. Because it is a direct recipient of CDBG funding, the City is required every five years to state in one document – the Consolidated Plan – its plan to pursue goals for all the community planning and development programs, as well as for housing programs. It is these goals against which the plan and the jurisdiction’s performance under the plan will be evaluated by HUD. The Consolidated Plan is supplemented annually by an Action Plan that details specific projects and the resources available to pursue the goals identified in the Consolidated Plan.

In conjunction with the Annual Action Plan submission, the City must certify that it is affirmatively furthering fair housing and has a current Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (the AI) and a plan to remove the impediments identified. The City’s most recent AI was completed in 2015.

The Community Development Department will conduct a public hearing on the above date to present its proposed Fourth-Year Action Plan for allocating and expending grant funds in support of the 2015-20 Consolidated Plan. Interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and offer their comments on the proposed plan.

HUD has not announced the City’s CDBG allocation for July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019, and has advised grantees that while the allocation announcement may not be made until late June, grantees are expected to adhere to the planning process mandated by CDBG regulations. For planning purposes, the proposed Fourth-Year Action Plan is built on the following assumptions: 1) An allocation of $748,138 in new CDBG funding; 2) $100,000 in CDBG funds re-programmed from PY2017-18; 3) $50,000 generated by the CDBG-funded loan portfolio; and 4) a $161,250 Emergency Solutions Grant allocated to the City by the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA).

Following the public hearing, the proposed Fourth-Year Action Plan will be available for examination at the Linebaugh Library (West Vine Street), the Myrtle Glanton Lord branch library at Patterson Park Community Center, the Community Development Department at McFadden Community Center (Room 136) and online at the City’s website: www.murfreesborotn.gov.

Written comments regarding the Third-Year Action Plan will be accepted during a 30-day review period from April 13, 2018, through May 12, 2018. Comments may be mailed to the Community Development Department, delivered by hand or sent by fax (615-217-2260) or by e-mail. Address e-mailed comments to [email protected].

HUD has advised grantees annual action plans will not be accepted until actual CDBG funding allocations are announced. When its allocation is received from HUD, the City will adjust the total new funding available to reflect the actual allocation. Adjustments would be made in the Affordable Housing, Housing Rehabilitation, and Public Service categories. Should an adjustment greater than 15 percent in any one category be required, the City will conduct a public hearing followed by a 30-day period for public comment before submitting the proposed Fourth-Year Action Plan to HUD for approval.

If you are disabled and need special accommodation, or if you are a non-English speaker and desire an interpreter present at the public hearing, contact the Community Development Department, 615-890-4660, as soon as possible. The City’s TDD line is 615-849-2689.

Community Development Department

P.O. Box 1139

Murfreesboro, TN 37133-1139