Murfreesboro Noon Exchange Club’s Officer of the Year

Sheriff’s Office Cpl. Michael Rodgers was recognized as the Murfreesboro Noon Exchange Club’s Officer of the Year Thursday.

Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh said Rodgers is dedicated to traffic safety as the sheriff’s office’s traffic enforcement coordinator. He uses enforcement and education to reduce traffic deaths and crashes.

“His life-saving efforts are working because fewer people died from traffic fatalities this year in Rutherford County,” Fitzhugh said. “Cpl. Rodgers is a highly-motivated and dedicated officer who is an asset to the sheriff’s office and Rutherford County.”

The Tennessee Highway Safety Office recognized Rodgers’ work, earning him first place in the Law Enforcement Challenge and capturing the THSO Championship award for overall traffic safety in the state.

Because of his efforts, the Tennessee Highway Safety Office awarded the sheriff’s office an extra $15,000 to combat traffic safety in the county.

Rodgers studies and identifies high traffic areas. He directs extra deputies to patrol those roads to slow down speeders and remind drivers to pay attention to traffic laws.

He has coordinated several seatbelt checkpoints to educate drivers about saving lives by wearing belts, resulting in a higher use of seat belts.

Pictured: Cpl. Michael Rodgers accepts the Officer of the Year Award from the Murfreesboro Noon Exchange Club from Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh and Exchange Club member Shirley Schuette.