Terry Fann and Chief Arnold

Local hometown heroes are scheduled to speak at the Hometown Heroes Walk for Children on Friday morning.

Our own Hometown Heroes, Murfreesboro Mayor Bill Ketron, WGNS’s Scott Walker, and the Honorable Judge Donna Scott Davenport are the featured speakers at the Walk kick-off at Murfreesboro Civic Plaza. CB Cotton from WKRN News 2 will be the Master of Ceremonies. Awards will be presented to local Hometown Heroes by the Child Advocacy Center Board President Terry Fann and Director Sharon De Boer. Local Hometown Hero #10 Boston Red Socks starting pitcher David Price is the event’s presenting sponsor.

The Child Advocacy Center is celebrating Child Abuse Prevention Month with the Hometown Heroes Walk for Children on Friday morning, April 26, 2019 at the Murfreesboro Civic Plaza, downtown on the square. Walkers can ride complimentary Rover shuttles from the Child Advocacy Center to the Civic Plaza from 10:30-11:15 a.m. Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m., speakers at 11:45 p.m., and the Walk will begin at 12 noon. The event will culminate with a picnic lunch, music, and presentation of the “Golden Sneakers” award at the Child Advocacy Center, located at 1040 Samsonite Blvd.

The picnic lunch menu includes grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, fruit, vegetables, and chips. Local Hometown Hero Businesses contributing to the picnic lunch include PATCO’s grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, Lewis Bakery buns, O’Charley’s pies, and Double Tree’s cookies. “The Child Advocacy Center is famous for our homemade desserts, and especially the chocolate room,” said Child Advocacy Center accountant Jessica Wauchek. “You do not want to miss the chocolate room. It is everyone’s favorite thing at the event.”

“The Hometown Heroes Walk for Children is a wonderful way for our community to show their support for child abuse victims. The only thing that would make it better would be if YOU lace up your tennis shoes and join us,” said Child Advocacy Center Director Sharon De Boer.

You can become a Hometown Hero by walking in the event. Register to walk at cacrutherford.org or by contacting the Child Advocacy Center at 615-867-9000. You may also contact the Center by email at jwauchek@cacrutherford.org or mwatson@cacrutherford.org. T-shirts are available to purchase online or at the event for $15.