The La Vergne Stormwater Department is preparing for the annual leaf litter collection this fall. Staff estimates the leaf litter collection truck will begin making its rounds on November 8 and complete its designated routes by the end of the year.
The leaf litter collection truck will make two rounds of collection throughout the city, starting in the western portion of La Vergne and ending in the eastern portion. The truck will make two routes this year through every residential street in La Vergne.
Residents should pile their leaves out by the road in front of the front yard before the start date of October 25 to make sure their leaves will be picked up. Staff will have a pre-written route that they will follow but due to potential volume and weather these routes are not assigned specific dates. Similar to the brush truck, the leaf litter pick-up truck will follow the same zones and the location of the truck will be posted weekly to the La Vergne Public Works Facebook page.
There are some things that staff want residents to keep in mind while raking their leaves for collection:
- Leaves must be in a raked pile. Scattered leaves will not be collected.
- Bagged leaves will not be collected.
- Any leaves piled on stone or gravel will not be collected.
- Crews will not return to collect leaves not in place when crews make their routes.
- Leaves must be piled no more than five (5) feet away from the curb.
- Do not put leaves in the drainage ditch or storm drain.
- Do not put brush or garbage in your leaf pile.
- Place leaves at least 15 feet away from any property such as cars and trash cans.
- Roads with no outlet or cul-de-sac’s with no turn around will not be collected. A full list of streets with no outlet can be found online at
Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact Stormwater Coordinator Alexandra Thompson at