MTCS Students

Middle Tennessee Christian School has enrolled its 700th student for the 2018-19 school year. School officials reported a record number of new students this year at 165, a 30 percent increase over the 2017-18 school year, and the largest new student class in 10 years. This year also marks the highest secondary school enrollment in the school’s 56-year history.

“It is an exciting time at MTCS as God continues to bless us with unprecedented growth. We are thankful for our rich history, inspired by our current success, and energized as we plan for the future. While we have been blessed tremendously in our 56 years of serving this vibrant and growing community, we are confident that our best days are ahead!” said MTCS President, Matt Tiller.

The private Christian school, started in 1960, is Murfreesboro’s oldest, and largest, private school. Its inaugural graduating class included just five students in 1979.

MTCS helps students recognize and live out the call of God in their lives through daily Bible study, life groups, service clubs, community projects and mission trips, fostering Christ-centered values. This year, MTCS made a point of increasing their AP (advanced placement) and dual enrollment classes, giving honors diploma candidates more advanced education options. 2018-19 is also the inaugural year of the Aspire Honors Academy, specifically designed to challenge advanced learners from TK- 12thgrades. The recent addition of the Seeker Space, a lab converging Christ-centered teaching with STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), has further developed the integrated learning environment. The school’s Cougar Athletic Program is thriving, offering 13 different sports, and transitioned in 2017-18 to Division II competition. They competed in the State Tournament for team tennis, volleyball, swim and track and field. The athletics program is purposeful, preparing students for lifelong learning, teamwork and understanding how to honor God, even while in the throes of competition.

“The privilege of partnering with parents on the educational and spiritual journey of their children is something we do not take for granted. We sincerely appreciate all those that have entrusted us with this critical work.” emphasized Matt Tiller.

Applications for the 2019-20 school year will be accepted online as of Friday, February 1, 2019. Prospective parents and students are invited to attend Experience Day on Thursday, January 31st. For more information, please visit