More than 400 people attended The Salvation Army’s Beyond the Bells Luncheon at the Embassy Suites on Wednesday, May 17. In all over $61,000 dollars was secured to support the ministries and services of The Salvation Army of Rutherford and Cannon Counties.
While raising funds was an important part of the afternoon, Beyond the Bells was a way to bring awareness to the mission of the local Salvation Army and give the community a chance to learn how the gift of their time, talents, and donations support the organization, which in turn support the community.
Master of Ceremonies, Bryan Barrett, interviewed 4 individuals with vastly different experiences, all telling their unique and compelling stories about how the Salvation Army was able to help them in time of great need.
The Beyond the Bells event also served as an opportunity to recognize Bart Walker of WGNS Radio, who served as Honorary Chair of the Luncheon and Randy Knight who accepted this year’s Community Spotlight Award on behalf of the Nissan.
“It was exciting to see the room full of 54 tables full of people that came to hear the compelling testimonies and then donate funds that is helping many others on their path to sustainability ,” said Betsy Maples, chairperson for the Beyond the Bells Steering Committee for the 2nd year. Captain’s Joseph and Melissa Irvin, current officers for The Salvation Army of Rutherford and Cannon Counties added, “It is an honor to serve alongside of our Staff, Advisory Board, Women’s Auxiliary and the many volunteers that help us delivery these life changing services in our community.
Attendees at the BTB Luncheon were encouraged to donate in a variety of ways.
If you would like to support your local Salvation Army you can:
Mail: The Salvation Army P. O. Box 791, Murfreesboro, TN 37133
Text: 41444- type BEYOND-hit send
Click: www.
Call: 615-895-7071