Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 11 at 2:00 am…time to set your clocks ahead one hour.

While gaining an hour of daylight is certainly enough to make this time worthwhile, Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department also wants to remind you that it is a great time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms!

“Batteries in smoke alarms should be changed twice a year, approximately every six months,” said Fire Marshal Carl Peas. “Time changes serve as a useful reminder to complete the task of changing the batteries in your smoke alarms.”

Remember, you should have smoke alarms on every level of your home including the basement, in every bedroom, and outside of sleeping areas. Smoke alarms should also be tested monthly.

“Having working smoke alarms in your home can cut your risk of fire-related death in half,” said Peas.

MFRD is an active participant in the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office’s initiative, “Get Alarmed, TN.” The program launched in November 2012 and is a grant-funded smoke alarm distribution program. Since inception, over 163,000 smoke alarms have been distributed across the state, with 223 documented alerts and saves resulting from the program.

If you are in need of smoke alarms in your home, please contact MFRD Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm at 615-893-1422 for assistance. MFRD even has smoke alarms for the hearing or visually impaired.

Here’s a PSA from the City of Murfreesboro: Change Your Clock, Change Your Batteries”: