Murfree Spring wetlands

Murfree Spring wetlands

The City of Murfreesboro Parks & Recreation Department has closed the boardwalk at Murfree Spring Wetland to the public.

After a preliminary assessment of the boardwalk, inspectors determined that the boardwalk needs significant work and repairs. The City has therefore restricted all recreational activity, including exercising, walking dogs and pedestrians on the boardwalk.

Engineers will conduct a detailed inspection and analysis to determine the level of repairs needed and the timeframe for closure and repairs.

The Murfreesboro Police Department Parks Patrol officers will continue patrolling and monitoring the boardwalk for potential violators while repairs are made. If you see someone attempting to use the boardwalk, please contact Murfreesboro Police at 615-893-1311.

The Murfree Spring Wetland boardwalk was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2000. Through a local/federal agreement for improvements to Murfree Spring, the City has partnered with the Corps to make enhancements and improvements.

Murfree Spring Wetlands is a 25-acre City park located at Maney Ave. and Broad Street. With paved walking trails and raised boardwalks winding through the wetlands, it is a favorite park for nature photographers and birdwatchers.

For more information on the history of Murfree Spring dating back to 1817, visit