Murfreesboro City School’s 13th elementary school needs a name. The School Naming Contest is open now through November 16. To submit a name suggestion, visit or click the Ask MCS icon at School mascot suggestions are also being accepted.
The two-story school is scheduled to open in August 2019 and is designed for up to 1,000 students utilizing the same plan and general layout as Overall Creek Elementary. The school is located at 3275 St. Andrews Drive (near the corner of Veterans Parkway and St. Andrews Drive).
Overview of Board Policy on New School Naming:
Schools shall not be named for living persons, except for those who have rendered exemplary service to public education as recognized and attested by a vote of the Board. Two schools in the system shall not be given the same name and care should be taken to avoid similar names. Schools shall be named for: The area or community in which the school is located, or the street on which the school is located, or a street bordering the school site, if that street is well known in the community, or Presidents, governors or recognized national, state and local leaders who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of education.
All names submitted will be given to the school naming committee. The school naming committee will present a slate of names to the City School Board for final approval. Until an official name is adopted, the school will be referenced as Southwest Elementary.
Additional information and updates can be found at