Two new traffic signals on NW Broad St. and Veterans Pkwy. will be put into full operation on Wednesday Nov. 8 and Thursday Nov. 9. The new signals are being installed as part of new developments.
A new signal at NW Broad St. and Singer Rd/Oswin Dr. was placed on flash mode at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1. Another new signal at Veterans Pkwy and Westlawn Blvd. was placed on flash mode at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 2.
Both signals will flash for a week and then be turned on and put in full operation next week, Nov. 8-9.
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), a federal and state adopted document, specifies “traffic control signals need studies” known as warrants. A signal warrant is a condition that an intersection must meet to justify a signal installation. The City of Murfreesboro applies the standards set by the MUCTD for all traffic control installations.
For more information, contact Deputy Transportation Director and City Traffic Engineer Ram Balachandran at [email protected] or call 615-893-6441.