Partial Solar Eclipse Locally Entertains Hundreds on MTSU Campus

Partial Solar Eclipse Locally Entertains Hundreds on MTSU Campus

As the solar eclipse peaked at 93% totality locally just after 2 o’clock Monday, April 8, on the Middle Tennessee State University campus, several groups of mostly MTSU students began cheering the rare, natural phenomenon. It had been seven years since the 2017 Great Tennessee Eclipse brought 100% totality for about two minutes on campus…

Precision Home and Land

Transform Your Property With Precision Home and Land

Everyone meet Aaron and Rocky, owners of Precision Home and Land, a new business serving all of Middle Tennessee. They do home concrete work, retaining walls, footers, water and electric line installation, septic installation, forestry mulching, bush hogging, skid steer work, new/repair driveways and so much more. Check out Precision Home and Land’s website for…

Austin Peay Army ROTC Earns Place in Elite International Military Skills Competition

Austin Peay Army ROTC Earns Place in Elite International Military Skills Competition

Austin Peay State University’s (APSU) Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program, the Governors Guard, recently earned a chance to compete in the 55th annual military skills competition held at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. The two-day competition features 50 teams from military colleges, ROTC programs and international militaries, all contending to…

‘Innovative’ Students Passionate About Their STEM Projects Present at MTSU

‘Innovative’ Students Passionate About Their STEM Projects Present at MTSU

Many of them dressed for success and exhibiting research at a top level, middle and high school students from as far away as Fentress County, Tennessee, recently converged at Middle Tennessee State University to showcase their STEM exploration in science, technology, engineering and math. Among them were seniors Ella Holtermann and Matthew Jackson from Hendersonville…

Road Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for April 7 – 13

Beasie Rd Extension (River Rock Blvd just north of Racquet Club Dr) Expected Lane Closures: Monday Through Friday: Riverrock Blvd will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation intermittently at Beasie Rd for roadway widening work. Road and bridge construction work over Stones River Greenway continues. The greenway trail will be closed around the existing Beasie…