Addict at Murfreesboro Little Theatre

Addict at Murfreesboro Little Theatre

acTEENg makes its debut at MLT with Jerome McDonough’s “Addict” Director Jamie Leigh Stevens describes ‘Addict’ as, “a show that puts human faces on the epidemic of teenagers suffering from drug addiction.” But acTEENg aims to tackle more than this one issue. Stevens is working to provide teens with the opportunity to produce ‘age-relevant’ art in…

Celebrate Spring with Murfreesboro Drumming Community: ‘Everybody Drum Some’ March 22

Celebrate Spring with Murfreesboro Drumming Community: ‘Everybody Drum Some’ March 22

Everybody Drum Some, the open-ended percussion collective led byMurfreesboro drum instructor Ross Lester, will host its next community rhythmevent on Thursday, March 22, at Mayday Brewery. As always, Lester invites allin the Middle Tennessee community to gather together with their neighbors andmake music. These seasonal group drumming sessions are open to all ages and all…

Explorers win top places at Winterfest

Explorers win top places at Winterfest

Sheriff’s Explorers Post 106 captured top honors at the national Winterfest competition last month in Gatlinburg. Explorers Lt. Peyton Hall, Sgt. Malia Xayachack, Sgt. Oscar Flores and Patrick Burns captured first place honors in Crisis Negotiations. Capt. Matthew Dougan and Caleb Jones earned second place in DUI traffic stops. Xayachack, Sebastian Yount, Evan Myers and…