City of Murfreesboro, TN

The City of Murfreesboro Parks & Recreation Department will hold an open house for all citizens regarding existing and future facilities and programs of the Parks and Recreation Department from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Monday, November 19. The public input meeting will be held at Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Boulevard, Murfreesboro.

Representatives from the consulting firm Ragan-Smith Associates will lead the public input meeting for development of a Comprehensive Master Plan.

This is a come-and-go event that will help guide the direction of the department. After a brief presentation at 5:30 p.m., the public is invited to visit stations and give input on

  • types of recreational experiences deemed most important
  • opportunities and constraints of the parks and recreation department
  • connecting our parks and greenways
  • regional trends in recreation.

Hard copies of the current park and recreation survey will be available to fill out at the open house. This is a quick survey that will give the consulting team direct feedback on priorities for existing and future park and recreational facilities and programs.

The Master Plan will help guide the direction of Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation looking forward to 2035, with input from citizens. For more information, contact Director Nate Williams at (615) 890-5333 or