The Murfreesboro City Council has approved appraisal services for Jones Blvd. improvements and geotechnical exploration services for the Cherry Lane Phase 2 Extension. Council approval paves the way for the next phase of the critical roadway enhancements.

“We are eager to begin construction on these two projects as soon as possible,” said City Engineer Chris Griffith. “Right-of-Way appraisal for Jones Boulevard and geotechnical exploration for Cherry Lane-Phase 2 brings the City a major step closer to the construction phase on both projects. We hope to begin construction on Jones Boulevard in early 2018.”

The City Council approved contracting with R. Rhett Turner & Associates to conduct Right-of-Way (R.O.W,) services. Turner will make appraisal valuations on 103 properties along Jones Blvd., at a total cost of $42,350. Appraisal is expected to begin in September and take 30 to 60 days to complete.

Jones Boulevard, a 2-lane roadway that stretches in the center of neighborhoods between Broad Street and Memorial Blvd., will be widened from Ridgely Road to Northfield Boulevard. The 1.5-mile street currently has no shoulder or sidewalks. The improvement will add pedestrian connectivity to Mitchell Nelson Elementary School with a 10-foot multi-use path, a 5-foot sidewalk, and the addition of curbs and gutters.

To watch a 2-minute CityTV YouTube video of the planned project, simply click the link

Council also approved geotechnical exploration services for Phase 2 of the Cherry Lane Extension. TTL will explore subsurface conditions for the proposed alignment from near the west boundary of the Siegel Soccer complex to the intersection of Alford Road and Sulphur Springs Road. The geotechnical work will include data on depth of bedrock, soil and karst features, with a budget not to exceed $36,000.

The approximately 2.0-mile Phase 2 project will include a 100-foot Right of Way (R.O.W.) width, encompassing 5 to 12 foot lanes (including a center turn lane), 2-foot curb and gutter, 5-foot grass strips, a 5-foot sidewalk, and a 10-foot multi-use path. The new roadway will extend from near the intersection of Sulphur Springs and Alford Road and connect to the previously completed improvements of Cherry Lane.

The approximately 2.4-mile Cherry Lane Phase 3 project would create an alternative route to Thompson Lane. A new interchange would be constructed on the Cherry Lane extension roadway at SR 840. The interchange will include a two-span grade separation bridge over the West Fork Stones River and flood plain for Cherry Lane over SR 840. Phase III runs from the end of the Phase II at Sulphur Springs Rd. to NW Broad St.

Phase I of the project was built near Siegel Park and completed in late 2005. The completion of all three phases will ultimately connect Memorial Boulevard to NW Broad St. and provide an additional access to SR 840.

A project location map of the Jones Blvd. Improvement Project and a map of the proposed Cherry Lane Extension Project with the affected area outlined in red is attached. For more information on the projects, contact City Engineer Chris Griffith at [email protected] or by calling (615) 893-6441.