Murfreesboro Police Impaired Driving

The Murfreesboro Police Department is partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office this holiday season increasing traffic enforcement for impaired drivers. The Booze It and Lose It campaign runs from Dec. 15, 2023, to Jan. 1, 2024.

The goal of the Booze It and Lose It campaign is to drastically reduce the number of drunk-driving crashes, injuries, and fatalities this year.

Murfreesboro Police Impaired Driving

“We know there are a lot of Christmas and NYE parties, and we want to encourage people to plan ahead and arrange for a SAFE ride home,” Walker said. “Residents can consider asking a friend or relative, calling a ride-share, taxi, or other options to safely get them home to their family.”

The consequences of a single DUI conviction for a first-time offender in the state of Tennessee may include costly fines, court costs, legal fees, jail time, mandatory drug, and alcohol treatment, and/or the installation of an ignition interlock device in his/her vehicle.

The THSO provides grant funding to support MPD’s increased enforcement efforts during the Booze It and Lose It holiday campaign. For more information about the THSO, please visit