Bethany Hoppe, MTSU instructor of Communication Studies, will speak on Women in Leadership: Achieving the Learning Curve. Author, speaker and advocate, Hoppe is a 2014 TedX Nashville speaker and the President-elect of the MTSU Commission on the Status of Women. Hoppe will address the monthly meeting attendees on how to help women address the pay gap and achieve more leadership roles in major corporations and leadership.

The RUTHERFORD Cable monthly meeting is at Stones River Country Club, 1830 N.W. Broad St. in Murfreesboro. RUTHERFORD Cable members and guests are welcome, and the public is invited to attend. The cost for the meeting is $20 for members and $25 for non-members and includes breakfast. Reservations are available online at and must be completed by Noon Friday, Mar. 9. A limited number of seats will be available for walk-ups on a first-come, first-serve basis with an additional $5 late-registration fee.

Hoppe will be discussing three aspects of why women are still working overtime to achieve equality based on research and on the writing of two successful women in business: Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook and Gail Evans of CNN. Hoppe states, “Because most research on this complex subject rarely combines women’s experiences with disabilities, I will share facts and stats that impact specifically women with disabilities, alongside women without disabilities. After all, we are all women first.”

Bethany is an advocate for the rights of women and girls with disabilities. Through public speaking, writing, performance, and film, Ms. Hoppe teaches through action and daily self- advocacy the importance that education plays in elevating the status of women who also happen to have disabilities, towards independence, agency, and political participation. She has been recipient of The Friends of Education Award for LSSD, Warren County (PA) Zonta Woman of the Year, and a former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. Ms. Hoppe resides in North
Murfreesboro with her husband of 20-years and their five-year-old son.