The Rutherford County Fire Marshal’s Office is seeking the public’s assistance to provide any information aiding in the investigation into use of improvised incendiary devices (commonly known as Molotov Cocktails) against the Hazen Brigade Monument located at the Stones River National Battlefield.
This monument is located on the north side of Old Nashville Highway just past the Thompson Lane overpass (heading outbound).
“The investigation is active and not much information is able to be shared at this point, but we believe the incident took place in early to mid-December—possibly on the 15th,” said Asst. Chief/Fire Marshal Joshua Sanders. “Due to the somewhat remote location of this monument and suspected time of day, it went unreported.”
Rutherford County Fire Marshal’s Office was made aware of the incident by investigators out of the State of Florida in conjunction with a similar investigation in their jurisdiction.
“We are hoping someone may have information that would be helpful to our ongoing criminal investigation,” Sanders explained.
The crime of arson is one of the costliest human-made disasters. Arson indirectly contributes to increased insurance premiums, higher medical costs, lost jobs, lost income, and the increased cost of fire services.
“Rutherford County Fire Rescue Department needs your help to combat this serious crime,” mentioned Sanders.
Persons with any related information may contact the Fire Marshal’s Office directly by calling 615-907-3600 or via email at
The Tennessee Arson Hotline may also be contacted at 1-800-762-3017 to report information on an arson. Information that leads to the successful arrest and conviction of an arsonist can result in a reward of up to $5,000.