RCS high school students

RCS high school students were awarded more than 500 credits this summer by completing credit recovery programs.

For the past two summers, Rutherford County Schools’ credit recovery program has offered students an opportunity to earn credits they failed to earn previously — which keeps scholars on track for graduation.

Dr. Kay Martin, secondary education coordinator, answers questions about the credit recovery program:

Q: How long has RCS been offering high school credit recovery?

A: We have offered credit recovery throughout the school year for many years. However, we have offered summer credit recovery the past two years. Credit recovery was previously offered as part of an effort to combat learning loss during the pandemic but will be returning to its normal scheduling during future years.

Q: How many students participate?

A: During summer 2021, more than 1,000 high school credits were earned through the credit recovery program. This year students earned back more than 500 credits. This summer 612 students participated in the program.

Q: What are the requirements and is there a cost?

A: To participate, students will have failed a course with a grade between a 50-69. After their first attempt during the past school year, they will be enrolled. There is no cost for students to participate.

Q: Can students use the program to “get ahead” on their academics?

A: No, not with this program. However, students are encouraged to enroll in summer school where they can earn credits towards graduation if they would like to get ahead.

Q: What schools can students attend and is there transportation?

A: Students can attend credit recovery sessions at all eight of our comprehensive high schools. Eagleville students can attend Rockvale. Holloway and Central students can attend Siegel. Rutherford County Virtual School students can attend their zoned school. With credit recovery taking place throughout the school year, students just go to school as they normally would.

Q: Why should students take advantage of credit recovery?

A: Students should take advantage of credit recovery so they can stay on-track for graduation. Credit recovery also provides students the opportunity for more one-on-one support from teachers in a very small classroom setting.