Zachary Aneiress, a new comer to the town of Murfreesboro Tennessee, has published his first series of young adult novels. The series entitled Athens Ophelia The Partitioner, that chronicles the life of a societal black sheep who is empowered by the divine of a ancient prophecy in his reincarnation form to protect the balance between life, death and other dimensions while going up against demons, gods, space pirates and other supernatural creatures yet trying to make it through the odds of his teenage years whilst dealing with family, friends, bullies & his love life as an openly queer black man.

Called electric, divine and bold by critics, Aneiress admits, “At first it was kind of scary because nobody said I could do it, let alone get good reviews. Most people said that nobody cares about a hero that isn’t status quo. I had one or two bad reviews but so far I’ve had nothing but positive feedback from critics. My first professional independent review was 4.5 stars!”

Aneiress chose to write a series about a superhero that is ongoing as of today because he wants others to know as well as little kids growing up that just because you are queer and a person of color doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to have your story told.

“There’s a stereotype of queer black people that isn’t true.” Aneiress said. “Its that we are weak individuals that have no talent, intelligence or means, and thats not true. If you look at a lot of these current pop stars past or present like Beyoncé, Cher, Madonna, Hilary Duff, Lady Gaga and some male singers who are praised for their uniqueness , all have had a queer male of color make their careers hot like fire. And its time that queer boys and girls see themselves as heroes outside of the counterparts of what is ‘normal’. And what better way to show them with a superhero that is relatable, creative, fun and strong in his own right.”
Aneiress, a LGBT activist who made headline news for standing up for gays rights at his high school, wishes he had this kind of hero growing up.

“It would have made my life so much easier to be able to see and read stories of a queer person of color by a person of color. But the best part is that the series isn’t just for people of color, its for anyone and everyone based on how when people read the story they find characters that they relate to that is outside of the main character and come back at tell me that they love this character or that character after reading the story.”

When asked if Aneiress is working on other projects Aneiress said, “I have ideas and I most definitely want to bring them to life and will do so but Athens Ophelia The Partitioner is taking up my time and I couldn’t be more happy with him, the feedback but I hope that my stories, Athens Ophelia and other stories that I work on in the future are able to reach kids and adults alike of all colors, genders and ages.”

The ongoing Athens Ophelia The Partitioner series of 8 books is published on Amazon, Barns & Noble, iTunes and where ever else books are sold.

Zachary Aneiress