Highway 231 traffic enforcement

Thirty-four drivers texting and driving were cited into court as part of the Operation U.S. Highway 231 enforcement event Tuesday through Rutherford County.

Those drivers were charged with violating the Tennessee’s Hands-Free driving law.

Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers, Murfreesboro Police officers and Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputies issued the citations during a five-hour enforcement on U.S. Highway 231 from the Bedford County line to the Wilson County line.

The highway was chosen because of a high number of traffic fatalities and injuries.

Officers from the three agencies, who are part of the sponsoring Rutherford County Traffic Safety Task Force, wrote 162 traffic related citations during the five-hour event.

The citations included one DUI and 50 speeding offenses.

Murfreesboro Police Capt. Cary Gensemer, who originated the Rutherford County event, said from his department’s perspective, the operation was a huge success.

“Our eight officers were able to take 112 enforcement actions during the five-hour period,” Gensemer said. “The visibility alone was a huge deterrent. It seemed that every half mile a police vehicle could be seen on a traffic stop.”

During the time period covered, only two traffic accidents occurred on the highway in the city limits.

“It is mere speculation on my part but I believe the increased law enforcement activity had had motorists very aware of their driving behavior,” Gensemer said.

Highway 231 traffic enforcement