MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (MTSU News) – Many Murfreesboro-area residents are a step closer to finishing their degree after attending an event organized by MTSU’s University college.

On Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, a huge crowd gathered at the Rutherford Chamber of Commerce for a Finish Your Degree Q&A. The event, organized especially for working adults, is the second in a series of events the college plans to hold in the upcoming months. 

At the event, working adults could talk to degree counselors, advisors, and representatives from admissions about getting re-admitted, registered for classes, and what options are available to them so they can finish faster and get a degree that will advance their careers. 

“It was so exciting just to be in the room where all these other adults were for the same reason I was,” said Becky Milliken, a Rutherford County resident who walked away with a scholarship. “I’m ready to get in here and finish what I started.”

Milliken was randomly selected by University College staff and was not the only person who won a scholarship. 

Tara Jones also won one of six scholarships and said that it has pushed her to finish her journey to a college degree.

“It was great to connect with the community in such a positive way,” Dr. Peggy Carpenter, Assistant Dean of University College. “These people have been thinking about getting a degree, and it’s been eye-opening for them to learn how quickly they can finish.” 

Milliken plans to major in Integrated Studies on the Applied Leadership path. In that program, students can earn up to four individual undergraduate certificates covering topics needed in today’s business environment. Each certificate consists of two 7-week online courses and an onsite intensive training. 

Be on the lookout for our next Finish Your Degree Q&A event coming near you.  For more information contact Megan Vazquez at 615-494-7714 or fill out an online request form at