Rep. Mike Sparks (R-Smyrna) led the Rutherford county delegation to the Tennessee General Assembly in recognizing the African American Heritage Society of Rutherford County for the hard work and extreme dedication of preserving and promoting local history.  Recently the AAHSRC hosted 75 people of different races and walks of life at the 2017 Decoration Day celebration at Murfreesboro’s historic Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church as well as the Stones River National Battlefield.


AAHSRC president Mary Watkins proudly yet unpretentiously received the honor with a hint of a tear.  “We’ve all worked so hard and so long to preserve the memories of our ancestors.  This proclamation is evidence how working together can pay great dividends.”


Decoration Day began on May 1, 1865, when thousands of formerly enslaved people from Charleston, South Carolina gathered at a nearby race course that served as the burial ground for Federal soldiers.  Songs of joy and patriotism rose from the crowd echoing the emotions of the men, women and children no longer bound by slavery.