Rutherford County has earned the official designation of an ACT® Work Ready Community (WRC). This achievement spotlights a longstanding partnership between industry and education in Rutherford County to develop a highly skilled workforce, resulting in county-wide economic growth.
A community celebration in honor of the designation was held May 30 at the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce, located at 3050 Medical Center Parkway, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Dedicated efforts led by Rutherford Works and supported by Rutherford County Schools, the American Job Center Murfreesboro and employer partners allowed the community to meet all required criteria set by ACT®.
“We are excited to achieve the Work Ready Community status,” said Greg Jones, senior vice president of education and workforce development at Rutherford Works. “This designation highlights our county’s commitment to fostering a skilled workforce that meets the needs of our residents and local industries and moves our county forward.”
So far, 22 of 95 Tennessee counties have earned the ACT® Work Ready Community status. The distinction confirms that a local community possesses vital career readiness skills while assisting employers in identifying qualified job seekers. The verification of skills occurs through earning an ACT® WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), which measures workplace skills, including applied math, graphic literacy, and workplace document proficiency. With the NCRC, employers can assess the skill levels of potential employees.
This designation not only emphasizes the county’s dedication to workforce development but also serves as a recruitment tool for prospective businesses looking to invest in areas with a qualified talent pool.
“The ACT Work Ready Community status is a major milestone for Rutherford County, highlighting our commitment to workforce and economic development,” adds Patrick Cammack, senior vice president of economic development at the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce. “This designation is just another way Rutherford County is positioning itself as a competitive player in today’s economy.”