Halloween spirit has descended upon the halls of Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital, where this week’s NICU babies have been gifted costumes hand-crafted by the nurses caring for them around the clock.
The brainchild of Midtown nurse Kim Meeks, whose daughter is a NICU graduate, this new tradition provides hospital staff with a special way to bring smiles to the faces of each baby’s parents and loved ones during the stress of their NICU stay. Halloween 2019 brings us a “Minnie” Mickey Mouse, a fun-sized Bamm-Bamm from the Flintstones, a tiny Robin in search of Batman, and an extra-sweet Tootsie Roll.
Happy trick-or-treating from the babies and nurses of the Saint Thomas Midtown NICU! We wish you and your family a week filled with sugar, spook, and smiles.