Saint Thomas Stones River Hospital has donated $9,095 to the Cannon County Board of Education to fund the purchase of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and additional cardio-pulmonary resuscitation educational equipment for every school in the district. AEDs are portable electronic devices that automatically diagnose life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia and allow on-the-spot treatment through defibrillation to allow the heart to re-establish an effective rhythm. Cannon County schools serve approximately 2100 students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.
“We know that having AEDs immediately available for use saves lives, and we want this technology to be available and ready for the students, faculty and staff at our schools,” said Andy Wachtel, Chief Executive Officer for Saint Thomas Stones River, Saint Thomas DeKalb and Saint Thomas Highlands. Saint Thomas Health is part of Ascension, the nation’s largest Catholic and non-profit health system.
The contribution is part of Saint Thomas Stones River Hospital’s community benefit initiative and philosophy, which addresses wellness and disease prevention.