Sheriff's Office wins top safety awards

Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office earned two top awards recently at the Tennessee Highway Safety Office’s annual Lifesavers Conference in Murfreesboro.

THS0 presented the top Championship Award to the Sheriff’s Office for overall traffic safety efforts.

Also, the Sheriff’s Office placed first in the Challenge Awards in the category of 201 to 500 law enforcement officers.

Cpl. Michael Rodgers compiled and submitted the Challenge Book to reflect the Sheriff’s Office’s drive for traffic safety. The book is based on policy, officer training, recognition programs, public information and education, enforcement statistics and effectiveness of efforts.

“It shows the deputies in Rutherford County recognize the importance of traffic safety and dedicate their time and energy to making the roads safer for everybody,” Rodgers said. “The whole department gets recognized because they make the traffic stops and educate people.”

THSO funds overtime for deputies to enforce impaired driving laws to reduce traffic crashes and fatalities. Also, deputies work in saturation patrols to watch for impaired drivers.

Deputies are committed to traffic safety by volunteering for overtime.

Sheriff’s deputies also participate in THSO campaigns such as “Booze It or Lose It” and “Seat Belts Are for Everyone.”