Les Miserables at Siegel High School

Siegel High School’s Choral Department will be presenting Les Miserables School Edition this March 19-23 in the Siegel Theater.

Les Miserables School Edition is produced and musically directed by Brenda Gregory with stage direction by Darryl Deason. Gerald Patton is assistant musical director, Regina Ward is choreographer, and Jacob Brashar is assistant choreographer.

Show Information:

  • Les Miserables School Edition
  • Presented by the Siegel High School Choral Department
  • March 19, 20, 21, and 23 @ 7 p.m.
  • March 22 @ 3 p.m.
  • Siegel High School Theatre
  • Ticket prices: General Admission: Adult-$12, Students-$6
  • Reserved Seating: Adults-$17, Students-$11

Tickets will be available at the door for all performances.

Les Miserables is produced through permission by Music Theater International (MTI). www.MTIShows.com

For further information, contact Brenda Gregory at gregoryb@rcschools.net.