The Murfreesboro City Council voted Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024, to approve the construction contract for a skate park and pump track with New Line Skateparks FL, Inc. The skate park will be located at Old Fort Park.
“We are excited to see construction begin on a skate park and pump track in Old Fort Park,” said Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland. “The open location will allow the City to take advantage of existing space, including an unutilized parking lot in Old Fort Park which is ideally suited for the outdoor facility.”
In 2021, the City completed a feasibility study to assess the need for a skate park along with a pump station and potential locations for the development of the facility. The study determined that Old Fort Park would serve as the best location for the City’s skate park. It will be a street scape-style concrete park along with a pump track.
“This has been an amenity that our skating community has been requesting for a number of years,” said Recreational Services Executive Director Nate Williams. “We look forward to breaking ground for construction in 2024 with an anticipated completion date of early fall 2024 to capture what Murfreesboro skateboarding is all about.”
New Line Skateparks FL, Inc was the lowest responsible bidder for the project. The $888,449 contract for the facility includes a 5 percent owners’ contingency. The allowance will allow unforeseen issues that arise to be resolved in an expedited manner allowing construction to stay on schedule.
The Skate Park has successfully received approval through the planning process review. The park will be located where the old Pavilions #1 and #2 once stood. The City contracted with Design firm Griggs and Maloney, Inc for design services for the Skate Park and Pump Station in September 2022. In early 2023, Griggs & Maloney and Murfreesboro Parks conducted public meetings to discuss design options with the BMX and skateboarding community.