Smyrna Fire Department unmanned aircraft program

Smyrna Fire Department recently hosted DARTdrones to conduct training to launch an unmanned aircraft program. Eleven personnel from Smyrna Fire Department completed necessary training and passed testing to earn their FAA Remote Pilot Certificates.

The Unmanned Aircraft Program is part of the ongoing strategy of the department to better serve the community and mitigate risk to personnel.

“Smyrna Fire Department is committed to providing education and resources to better equip our personnel,” explained Smyrna Fire Chief Bill Culbertson. “We will have the ability to utilize the drone to gather information and provide situational awareness in a hazardous material event, for search and rescue, and reconnaissance.”

“The Town of Smyrna advocates for technology that allows us to better serve our community and creates a safer environment for our personnel,” shared Town Manager Brian D. Hercules. “The Unmanned Aircraft Program is an excellent example of the progressive spirit of this department.”