Eleven years after a 2-year-old girl vanished from her family’s apartment, her murder remains unsolved.

Analyce Guerra’s mother reported she woke up in the middle of the night on April 23, 2006 to find her daughter gone.

Nearly two years later, on Jan. 4, 2008, her body was found in a wooded-area in Murfreesboro.

Smyrna police said the medical examiner ruled the toddler’s death a homicide. Authorities previously said the remains indicated Analyce died right after she went missing.

At this time, an arrest has not been made in the case and the Smyrna Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are still investigating.

Anyone with information that could help authorities locate the person responsible for Analyce’s murder is urged to call Det. Nabours at 615-267-5434 or Det. Anderson at 615-267-5433.

Courtesy of WKRN News 2