The staff at Stones River National Battlefield plans to burn about 148 acres of fields between February 6 and February 8, 2024. These prescribed burns are a part of the park’s Fire Management Plan. The areas to be burned include the McFadden Farm Unit and fields near the park visitor center and the western edge of the Nashville Pike Unit.
The goals of the burns are to promote the growth of native species. Fire will also recycle nutrients into the soil and help control invasive plants. The burns will be conducted only if weather conditions fall within a narrow range that provides for the greatest safety and best smoke management. The exact dates and times for burning operations will be determined based on forecasted weather conditions meeting the prescription.
Specially trained wildland firefighters from the Mississippi River Fire Management Zone and Stones River National Battlefield will manage the prescribed burns. Roads and trails in affected areas will be closed periodically to protect public safety.
Local news media and emergency services will be notified as soon as the date and times for the burns are confirmed. The park will also post announcements on its website and Facebook page. For more information, call Supervisory Park Ranger Jim Lewis at 615-904-4977.