Wreaths Across America

Stones River National Cemetery, an official Wreaths Across America (WAA) location, will host a wreath-laying ceremony on Saturday December 15, 2018, joining more than 1,200 other locations across the country for National Wreaths Across America Day. Coordinated by the Civil Air Patrol squadrons of Smyrna, Murfreesboro and Music City, the event will begin at the cemetery flag pole at noon.

“The staff at Stones River National Battlefield takes pride in hosting this annual event that reinforces our commitment to remember and honor those who served our nation,” said Superintendent Brenda Waters. “Wreaths Across America serves as one of our highlight events and sets the stage for us to teach the public about the sacrifices made during the Battle of Stones River during our anniversary events a few weeks later.”

Visitors will park near the visitor center and walk into the national cemetery. If you require special accessibility arrangements, please contact us at 615-893-9501. Drop-offs at the cemetery gate will not be permitted.

Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery begun by Maine businessman Morrill Worcester in 1992. The organization’s mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at more than 1,200 veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.

For additional information about Stones River National Battlefield, please visit www.nps.gov/stri.