Students Head Off to Summer

Murfreesboro City School students and staff are excited to end the school year and head into summer. However, the last day of school is always a special day. Each school shares a tradition of send-offs and send-ups.

Mitchell-Neilson Primary first graders lined the street for the official “crossover”  to begin their journey to the Elementary School Campus. Sixth graders at Hobgood completed their final hall walk to cheers from hundreds of lower grade students.  John Pittard students changed their tradition to send off their retiring principal with cheers and chants this year.  

Graduations, performances, hugs and smiles are the culmination a year of hard work by students.  It’s an exciting time for these students as they begin their new adventure. Follow MCS on Twitter or Facebook to see these and other end of year traditions and activities.


Murfreesboro City Schools is a district of twelve schools committed to the academic and personal success of each child.

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