Riley is going home

Riley is going home

Three-year-old Riley Bockes, who was the subject of an Amber Alert from North Carolina last week, is returning home, Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office reported. Riley was released to the custody of her adult sister after a hearing Monday in Juvenile Court. Her father, Brent Bockes, 50, of Sanford, N.C., allegedly abducted her and drove to…

Riley Bockes

Amber Alert victim rescued by Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputies and Murfreesboro Police

Amber Alert victim Riley Bockes, 3, of Sanford, N.C., eats pizza with deputies after she was rescued unharmed Wednesday in Murfreesboro. She was with her father, Brent, who faces charges of killing her mother today in Sanford. Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputies and Murfreesboro Police tracked Riley and her father to a Murfreesboro motel after Brent…

TBI says it is ‘extremely concerned’ for victim in AMBER Alert

TBI says it is ‘extremely concerned’ for victim in AMBER Alert

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said Thursday it “remains extremely concerned” for the 15-year-old girl at the center of a statewide AMBER Alert. Authorities say their investigation has revealed a “troubling pattern of behavior” from Tad Cummins, 50, who “may have been abusing his role as a teacher to groom this vulnerable young girl for…

AMBER Alert: Missing teen believed to be with armed 50-year-old man

AMBER Alert: Missing teen believed to be with armed 50-year-old man

An Endangered Child Alert was issues Tuesday afternoon for a 15-year-old girl missing out of Maury County–and it was quickly upgraded to a statewide AMBER Alert. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is searching for Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas. Elizabeth is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 120 pounds. She has blonde hair and hazel…