Janie Lawrence

Janie Lawrence First Dispatcher to Retire from City of Murfreesboro

Dispatcher Janie Lawrence is officially the first career telecommunicator to retire from the City of Murfreesboro. Lawrence retired in July, just two months shy of 31 years of service. Lawrence began her career as a police dispatcher in 1987. “Chief Doyle O’Brien got me an interview with then Commissioner Bill Jones,” she said, “mainly because…

City of Murfreesboro, TN

City earns Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

For the twentieth consecutive year the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has awarded the City of Murfreesboro with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting. “I want to commend Finance Director Melissa Wright and the entire…

Robert Holtz Building & Codes

New City permit fee increases effective August 27

The Murfreesboro Building & Codes Department is announcing the August 27 effective date of new residential construction permit fees. The fee changes follow a special Stakeholders Meeting with stakeholders concerning fee increases and code adoptions July 18. The City of Murfreesboro is increasing most permit fees, including residential building permits for new construction and renovations;…

Darren Gore

City launches new Utility Enterprises Division

The City of Murfreesboro launched a third new division – the Utility Enterprises Division Friday (Aug. 17) – as part of the on-going process to reorganize the City’s administrative structure and enhance customer service. The newly created division will incorporate mostly independent enterprises – the Water Resources, Electric (MED), and Solid Waste departments, as well…

Road Construction

City Construction Projects for August 19 through August 25

Middle Tennessee Widening Project (Greenland Dr to E. Main St) (Est Substantial Completion August 2018) Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Traffic on Middle Tennessee Blvd is reduced to two-lanes two-way between Bell St and Greenland Dr. E Lytle St is closed at Middle Tennessee Blvd. The section of E Lytle St between N Bilbro…

Adam Tucker

City of Murfreesboro hires Adam Tucker as new City Attorney

The City of Murfreesboro announced today that it has hired Adam Tucker to serve as City Attorney. Tucker had been serving as Interim City Attorney since June 5, 2018, following the promotion of Craig Tindall to City Manager. The Murfreesboro City Council hired Tucker following a nationwide recruitment process that began in June. Three panels—a…

Close Door Campaign

MFRD and State Fire Marshal’s Office Push “Close the Door” Campaign

Three simple words can save lives during a fire: “Close the door!” The Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office and Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department (MFRD) are telling the community to remember those words during a fire. Closing the door reduces fire growth and spread, limits damage to your home, and could possibly save lives. A closed…

Road Construction

City Construction Projects for August 12 through August 18

Middle Tennessee Widening Project (Greenland Dr to E. Main St) (Est Substantial Completion August 2018) Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Traffic on Middle Tennessee Blvd is reduced to two-lanes two-way between Bell St and Greenland Dr. E Lytle St is closed at Middle Tennessee Blvd. The section of E Lytle St between N Bilbro…