Smyrna COVID-19 May Testing

Smyrna Continues Partnership with Kroger Health to Offer an Additional Three Days of FREE COVID-19 Drive Through Screening

The Town of Smyrna is pleased to continue the partnership with Kroger Health to facilitate three additional days of free drive-through COVID-19 testing opportunities. The three-day event will take place Tuesday, May 5, Wednesday, May 6, and Thursday, May 7, from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in the parking lot of Motlow State Community College…

Rutherford County Courts Open

Rutherford County Courts Open for Limited Public Proceedings

The Rutherford County Court System announced Friday changes to its operations effective May 4, 2020. General Sessions Court (Judicial Building) 116 W. Lytle St. The Tennessee Supreme Court has approved a plan to partially re-open courts in Rutherford and Cannon County beginning Monday, May 4. The plan provides for screening of all persons entering the…

Rutherford County Schools

Three important updates from Rutherford County Schools

We have three important updates that have been communicated directly to parents, posted online and distributed via social media. First, our School Board has approved a modified grading plan because of the COVID-19 shutdown. The plan includes information about how grades and graduation requirements will be calculated. Parents with any specific questions about how it…

MTSU Obelisk

University intends to resume on-campus, in-person class operations this fall

Middle Tennessee State University will move forward with its COVID-19 preparations with a goal of resuming on-campus, in-person classes and operations in August for the Fall 2020 semester, MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee announced Thursday. “The task before me as president … is to chart a course that will allow us to welcome our new…

Welborn Supply Chain word cloud

Pandemic providing real-world lessons for MTSU Supply Chain Management program

For MTSU supply chain management professor Cliff Welborn, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic — and the resulting concerns about testing capacity, food supply and the scarcity of household items such as toilet paper and wipes — highlights the growing importance of his field of instruction and a key concept within it: “right product, right place, right…

Smyrna Corona Virus UPDATE - April 29, 2020

Smyrna Mayor and Town Manager Update Citizens on Economic Recovery Group Guidelines and Town Modifications

The Town of Smyrna continues to encourage residents to follow the Executive Orders of Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, the guidelines set forth by the Economic Recovery Group as outlined in the Tennessee Pledge, and adherence to the recommendations and best practices communicated by the Centers for Disease Control. “Citizens within the Town of Smyrna have…

Drive Thru Corona Virus Testing

Weekend COVID Testing

The Tennessee Department of Health will offer 16 drive-through events across the state this weekend to make COVID-19 testing available to Tennesseans who are concerned about their health or the health of their family members. On Saturday, May 2, eight COVID-19 drive-through testing sites will be open at the following locations in Tennessee: Blount County…

Mike Carlton Saint Thomas Health

Ascension Saint Thomas Employee Describes Experience with Covid-19, Urges Caution

“For twelve straight days, I had a high fever and difficulty breathing, as well as extreme anxiety and terrible nightmares caused by the lack of oxygen. I thought I would die. I am 61 years old and this was the worst pain I’ve experienced in my entire life,” says Mike Carlton, Manager of Emergency Medical…

Drive Thru Corona Virus Testing

Town of Smyrna Partnering with Kroger Health to Facilitate a COVID-19 Drive-Thru Testing Event

The Town of Smyrna is pleased to partner with Kroger Health to facilitate a free drive-through COVID-19 testing opportunity for qualifying individuals. The two-day event will take place Thursday, April 30, and Friday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in the parking lot of Motlow State Community College (5002 Motlow College Blvd in…