Rutherford County 4-H team

Rutherford County 4-H students to represent Tennessee at national contest

A “prime” group of area 4-H high school students is set to represent Tennessee at the National Meats Evaluation Contest in Denver, Colorado, during the second weekend of January 2020. he members of the Rutherford County high school team will hold a fundraising dinner called “Meat Me In Denver,” featuring baked ham, vegetables, homemade rolls,…

John Dietrich

The Rutherford County American Heart Association Announces John Dietrich as Chair of the 2019 Healthy for Good™ Heart Walk

The American Heart Association, the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease, is pleased to announce John Dietrich, SVP of First National Bank of Middle TN, as the Chair of the 2019 Healthy for Good™ Heart Walk in Rutherford County. John Dietrich, a Murfreesboro native, has been in banking for 28 years…

Finneys and Wilders

The Rutherford County American Heart Association Announces Co-Chairs for the 2020 Rutherford Heart Ball

The Rutherford County American Heart Association is pleased to announce Kristen and Blake Finney and Courtney and Rob Wilder as the co-chairs for the 2020 Rutherford Heart Ball scheduled February 22, 2020 in Murfreesboro, TN. Additionally, Hadley East will be honored during the evening’s program. Blake and Kristen Finney are long-time residents of Murfreesboro and…