Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford Adds New Heart Device to Cardiac Program

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford Adds New Heart Device to Cardiac Program

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford is pleased to announce they will now be housing the Impella Cardiac Power (CP), the world’s smallest heart pump, at their hospital. Previously, all patients that needed more advanced cardiac care were transported to Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital West. With the addition of this technology, our physicians can now perform procedures…

Mental Health Co-Responders

Murfreesboro Police Add Two More Mental Health Co-Responders After First Year Success

The Murfreesboro Police Department (MPD) has added two additional mental health co-responders bringing the total number to three. Kevyn Wilson and Sydnee Kucenski-Land joins Co-Responder Heather Noulis who began working with Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) in February 2022. Kucenski-Land, a clinician hired by Volunteer Behavioral Health Care Systems (VBHCS) embedded with MPD last October. She…

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford Goes Red For Heart Month

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford Goes Red For Heart Month

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford hospital lit the hospital red in honor of heart month. The hospital also recognizes those who care for the heart health of our communities, specifically Ascension Saint Thomas Heart, emergency medical services workers, emergency departments associates, and other healthcare heroes providing 24/7 care to those who are critically ill. Throughout February,…

Students Test-Drive Advanced Robotics at TriStar StoneCrest Medical Center

Students Test-Drive Advanced Robotics at TriStar StoneCrest Medical Center

TriStar StoneCrest Medical Center hosted middle school STEM students from Rutherford County on January 24, 2023 for “Name the Robots,” an event aimed at showcasing state-of-the-art surgical technologies and inspiring students to pursue STEM careers. Board-certified, robotically trained surgeons demonstrated advanced techniques and allowed students to test drive the surgical robots. The students also had…

After Tragedy, Murfreesboro Couple Serving Others Through Foundation and Careers

After Tragedy, Murfreesboro Couple Serving Others Through Foundation and Careers

In summer 2015, Murfreesboro couple Jennifer and Tyson Donaldson were ecstatic to learn that they were pregnant with their third child. Their excitement was cut short at 15 weeks when they discovered that the baby, a little girl, had a rare chromosomal disorder known as Turner Syndrome. Jennifer and Tyson named their daughter Blakelyn and…

Murfreesboro City Schools Adds New Mental Health Professionals

Murfreesboro City Schools Adds New Mental Health Professionals

Murfreesboro City Schools (MCS) welcomes three transitional coaches to assist in responding to growing mental health needs for students. Ashley Adams, Derica Cole and Emma Collins will serve as transitional coaches at Bradley Academy, Reeves-Rogers Elementary and Mitchell-Neilson Schools respectively. These mental health professionals will be joining the MCS Mental Wellness Team including Stephanie Stavinoga…

H. Laws McCullough III

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford Adds Entrepreneur to Board of Directors

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford is pleased to announce that H. Laws McCullough III, co-owner of Murfreesboro-based healthcare software company Provident Solutions, has joined the hospital’s board of directors. Mr. McCullough is a 7th-generation resident of Rutherford County and a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. He is well known in the community as “Brother.” In…

Murfreesboro Medical Clinic

Murfreesboro Medical Clinic and SurgiCenter Now Accepting Applications for the ‘Drs. David and Yolando Chatman Scholarship’

Murfreesboro Medical Clinic and SurgiCenter (MMC) announced that applications are now being accepted for the ‘Drs. David and Yolando Chatman Scholarship’. The scholarship will be awarded to a local college junior, senior or graduate student who is advancing to medical school and is also a member of an ethnic minority group that is underrepresented in…

Center for Health and Human Services

MTSU Center Lands $500K Grant to Relaunch Mental Health First Aid Certification on Campus

Members of the MTSU campus community soon will be trained in how to notice and respond to mental health and addiction challenges commonly experienced by youth in higher education settings. Thanks to a recently secured $500,000 federal grant by the MTSU Center for Health and Human Services, students, faculty and staff will have an opportunity…