Rutherford Heart Walk 2018

Rutherford Heart Walk Celebrates Record-Breaking Event

The Rutherford American Heart Association held its annual Heart Walk this past Saturday, September 22, 2018 on the Greenway at Murfreesboro Medical Clinic. A record-breaking crowd of over 1,000 Rutherford County citizens laced up their sneakers and joined together to raise over $100,000 to fight heart disease and stroke. Fundraising efforts for the Rutherford Heart…

American Heart Association Rutherford Heart Walk

The American Heart Association Rutherford Heart Walk 2018

The American Heart Association, the world’s leading voluntary health organization dedicated to building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke, is hosting the 2018 Rutherford Heart Walk, an event that has been instrumental in innovative breakthroughs. Since the inception of the Heart Walk 25 years ago, mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and stroke have…