MTSU students carry a glimpse of agriculture to local schools

MTSU students carry a glimpse of agriculture to local schools

The schoolchildren couldn’t visit the MTSU Farm, so the farm came to the schools. Numerous MTSU School of Agriculture students prepared special ag bags for more than 1,100 Rutherford County fourth graders and nearly 75 teachers. This year’s Spring into Agriculture theme — “Planting the Seeds for Future Needs” — helped educate children and their…

MTSU Obelisk

MTSU to Resume Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic with Moderna Supply

MTSU officials announced the “Don’t Miss Your Shot” COVID-19 vaccine clinic sponsored by MTSU Health Services will reopen Thursday, April 15, and Friday, April 16, at the Student Union first-floor atrium location. After opening Monday, the special clinic shut down Tuesday and Wednesday, in accordance with the recent recommendation by the Centers for Disease Control…

APLU student success funds-promo

MTSU among 16 schools nationally to receive student success capacity investment

Middle Tennessee State University is one of 16 institutions across the country participating in the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ Powered by Publics initiative to each receive an additional $15,000 investment and support to advance student-centered transformation. The cohort of participating institutions will engage in an in-depth institutional needs assessment, share student success data,…

Unveiling of commemorative brick at MTSU

MTSU honors 17th general officer in 71-year history of university’s Army ROTC

U.S. Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Robert S. Powell Jr. was honored by his alma mater Monday as the 17th graduate of Middle Tennessee State University’s Army ROTC in its 71-year history to reach General officer rank. Powell was recognized with the unveiling of a commemorative brick in a special ceremony at the Veterans Memorial site…

MTSU groundbreaking shoveling dirt

MTSU celebrates with groundbreaking for new School of Concrete and Construction Management building

Middle Tennessee State University officials broke ground Tuesday, April 6, on a much-needed 54,000-square-foot, $40.1 million School of Concrete and Construction Management building. With special guests, industry partners and alumni on hand in person and many others watching virtually on True Blue TV, the long-awaited ceremony was held outdoors near the corner of Blue Raider…

Sidney McPhee MTSU President

MTSU Board of Trustees approves three new bachelor’s degree programs

Middle Tennessee State University’s Board of Trustees approved new bachelor’s degree programs in supply chain management, media management and photography at its quarterly meeting Tuesday (April 6). Trustees approved the recommendations of the Academic Affairs, Student Life and Athletics Committee, which included: Elevating the existing concentration in Supply Chain Management within the Bachelor of Business…

MTSU Alumni Spring Showcase 2021

Reconnect with MTSU through Alumni Spring Showcase

MTSU’s Alumni Spring Showcase returns soon, with an exciting mix of in-person and virtual activities. Working in collaboration with many campus departments and programs, the Office of Alumni Relations and the MTSU Alumni Association will offer the spring showcase April 9-17, allowing university alumni and friends to sample what’s taking place. To learn more about…

Attorneys provide free legal clinic via Zoom for MTSU student veterans

Attorneys provide free legal clinic via Zoom for MTSU student veterans

The Rutherford and Cannon County Bar Association will be offering free consultation for MTSU student veterans April 12-16. Because of ongoing COVID-19 safety protocols, all appointments will take place via Zoom. To schedule an appointment with a licensed attorney, email Elizabeth Wilburn ([email protected]) in the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center by…

MTSU undergrads research food safety with real-world lab work

MTSU undergrads research food safety with real-world lab work

MTSU senior biology major Kwinci Britt conducts real-world lab research through the university’s Undergraduate Research Experience and Creative Activity, or URECA, a grant program that can give undergrads an early entry into the research arena and perhaps lay the groundwork for future academic or career endeavors. And working with a mentor like biology professor Mary…