Bobby Hockett obituary

Robert “Bobby” Lindell Hockett, Sr. obituary

Robert “Bobby” Lindell Hockett, Sr. age 65 of Christiana died Thursday October 3, 2019. He was a native of Rutherford Co and was preceded in death by his parents, Lindell and Dorothy (Fox) Hockett, and a sister, Laketa (Hockett) Powers; grandparents, Robert and Modene Fox, Burrell and Mary Hockett, father-in-law, Charles Barrett, Jr. Mr. Hockett…

Woodfin Funeral Chapel

SookJa Lee obituary

SookJa Lee, age 76 of Murfreesboro died Sunday September 29, 2019. She was a native of Pyongannamdo Jinnampo Beesuklee. She was preceded in death by parents, Kyung Sam Lee and Kyung Sook Park. Mrs. Lee attended Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church. She was a devoted mother, and grandmother. Mrs. Lee is survived by her daughter, HyeLan Pearce…