Siegel’s Whitman Czajkowski Wins National Beta Club Scholarship

Siegel’s Whitman Czajkowski Wins National Beta Club Scholarship

Siegel High School senior Whitman Czajkowski was selected for one of the 252 National Beta Club scholarships in the country. With a membership of more than 500,000, National Beta Club exemplifies ideals of achievement, leadership, character, and service. Czajkowski, who was the National Beta Club Technology Champion for 2019-2020, is a valedictorian at Siegel. Pictured…

Stewarts Creek High School’s Video production class partners with the Town of Smyrna

Stewarts Creek High School’s Video production class partners with the Town of Smyrna

Students from Stewarts Creek High School’s video production program levels 2, 3, and 4 created public service announcements for the Town of Smyrna’s Love Where You Live campaign. Town personnel selected the top entry in each category and an overall winner. Winning entries were recognized at the May Town Council meeting and will serve as…

Christiana Middle Archery

Riverdale high, Christiana middle and elementary schools claim NASP state championships

Riverdale High School edged crosstown rival Oakland to win its division, while both Christiana middle and elementary schools captured titles in the 2021 Tennessee National Archery in the Schools Program State Championships. The tournament virtual this year due to the pandemic. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency organized the event, which was held by each of…

LHS Early College

35 LaVergne High students earn associate’s degree while graduating high school

Paige Adekplor has never visited New Haven, Connecticut. Rawand Aziz has never been to Princeton, New Jersey. Ricky Martin has never stepped foot in Manhattan. Yet all three LaVergne High School seniors are headed to those locations this summer, as they have been accepted to Yale University, Princeton University and New York University, respectively. Not…

Pinning Ceremony

Health science grads recognized at pinning ceremony

Prior to ever arriving at Oakland High School, senior Ellie O’Boyle was told to do what you love. She loves being around people and enjoys science. “I did not know what career could incorporate those two things,” said O’Boyle, who spoke at the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant and Certified Nursing Assistant Pinning Ceremony held Monday…

Stewarts Creek High air rifle team finishes third in state, fifth in nation

Stewarts Creek High air rifle team finishes third in state, fifth in nation

A veteran team of JROTC cadets from Stewarts Creek High School finished third in the state and fifth at the JROTC Air Rifle Army Nationals. The Stewarts Creek team was led by Logan Chapman, Jared Redito, Zachary Parsons, Anthony Lamantia and Alexia Lamantia. “Best team I have had so far,” said Lt. Col. (Ret) Joel…

School Resource Officers Receive Awards

School Resource Officers Receive Awards

Five Rutherford County Schools’ seniors each earned $450 scholarships from the Rutherford County Sheriff’s School Resource Officers. Recipients were Jenna Gaessler of Eagleville School, Maelyn-Alexis Reyes and Taylor Knox of Rockvale High School, Taylor Sanders of Siegel High School and Alyssia Drayton of Smyrna High School. SRO Jason Urban, who coordinates the scholarships, said the…

Riverdale High FFA Students Plant Garden for Residents at Community Care of Rutherford County

Riverdale High FFA Students Plant Garden for Residents at Community Care of Rutherford County

Community Care of Rutherford County (CCRC) is excited to finally be replanting on their farm, but even more thrilled that upwards of 30 students from Riverdale High School’s Future Farmers of America club will be assisting with the endeavor! Dignitaries to include Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron and Superintendent of Schools Bill Spurlock, will also…

Roy Dye Sr.

Roy Dye Sr. to be inducted into the Tennessee School Bus Driver Hall of Fame

Roy Dye Sr., 81, was six years old the first time he ever stepped up onto Rutherford County bus No. 30. Seventy-five years later, much has changed. Back in the 1940s and ’50s, the late Elwin Maddox drove the route with a paddle that sat within arms-reach of the driver’s seat. Yet, Dye — whose…