Walmart Lifesavers – Andrew Scherbarth and Oscar Flores-Porto
This team was recommended by a supervisor for their quick actions and on-the-spot decisions on a recent trauma call. En route, the crew was relayed that a person had been run over by their own lawnmower. Upon arrival, Smyrna Police was with the patient applying a tourniquet. The crew had to think quickly to stop the major bleeding, and transition to treating the patient for other injuries. Their quick actions and skills saved this patient from further complications.
Thank you both for caring for the people of Rutherford County!

Sam’s Lifesaver – Penny Barrett
Penny Barrett was the 911 Dispatcher on this call that had to deal with the frantic caller. Penny is very professional and well skilled at dealing with these type of calls and was able to calm the situation quickly. Penny gathered the vital information and relayed it to the crew prior to their arrival. Penny is a great asset to the Rutherford County Dispatch Center and to the citizens of Rutherford County.
Thank you, Penny, for serving our community well!
And a special thanks to Walmart and Sam’s for all you do to support our personnel. We truly appreciate you.