Understanding Healing presented by the Demos’ Family of Restaurants will be held on August 8 and 9 to offer a Biblical perspective on the topic of sickness and healing.
The event will feature international speaker and author, Art Thomas, who is known for his teaching on the subject of healing. Thomas says that in today’s world people are surrounded by varying ideas, excuses and theological gymnastics when the word ‘healing’ is involved. Thomas seeks to bring a Biblical understanding of healing through looking at the life of Jesus Christ.
The Demos’ Family of Restaurants is holding the event to bring clarity to a subject that has had a continuing impact on its restaurants. Owner, Peter Demos, has seen many prayer requests from his staff that centered around sickness and anxiety. Through his own experiences with sickness, Demos has connected with many on his team and in the community who have also personally struggled with illness or provided support to family members who were ill.
“When sickness has prevented you from doing things that you used to be able to do, you just feel hopeless,” said Demos. “But Jesus brings hope to us all.”
Understanding Healing is a free event to be held on two separate days in Murfreesboro and Smyrna. A light lunch will be served at the Smyrna event on Tuesday, August 8, at 11 am at the Smyrna Event Center on Sam Ridley Pkwy. The Murfreesboro event will commence with a light breakfast at 8:30 am on Wednesday, August 9, at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro.
To register for the event, visit eventbrite.com and search Understanding Healing. Donations are appreciated and accepted online and at the event.