Danielle Lindberg delivers pizzas to help support her three young sons.
But when her car became disabled in flood waters this week, she told Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Finley she now couldn’t afford Christmas presents for her sons.
Finley, who has seven children of his own, told his wife, Liz, and the children the plight of Lindberg’s sons.
Finley’s children immediately donated their own Christmas toys and cash. Along with other donations, Finley’s family gathered enough toys to supply the three sons.
The deputy, his brother, Troy, and Santa knocked on Lindberg’s door Dec. 23 with Liz and Finley’s daughters watching.
Levi, 2, opened the door followed his brothers, Trystan, 4, and Jayden, 7, were shocked to see Santa deliver piles of presents on their front door step of the Clear Circle home in Smyrna.
Finley said the boys’ mouths dropped in surprise and they pointed at Santa. Trystan gave Santa a hug.
Once inside, Santa, Finley and Troy didn’t see any presents under the tree. They passed out the gifts. The boys tore into the presents, showing their mother each gift.
Afterwards, Finley said he knew the mother didn’t have the money to provide Christmas presents.
“We made it happen,” he said.
After they left, Danielle texted Finley a message:
“I can’t thank you all enough. What you guys have done is truly beyond words amazing. I can’t thank you all enough.
“Without you guys doing that, the boys wouldn’t have had Christmas. I just can’t thank you enough. You are all literally our Christmas blessing.”